Her mom Pam found me through the grapevine. Her hairdresser knows me and came to see my designer room I did last month. You know how it is- you tell everything to your hairdresser, Pam was no different. She was telling Susan (her hairdresser) that she was desperate to get Natalee's room done quickly before her surgery but didn't know where to turn. She needed to incorporate her medical bed and current furniture and because of hospital bills couldn't hire a designer. She called- I happily said I would help. I then connected that I know Natalee's aunt and uncle Jen and Mike, and along with my husband Jason they would be my design team.
Here are some quick ideas that I used in re-creating Natalee's room.
We printed out some old family photos larger and in black and white to personalize the room
I turned an old drawer into a little canopy for her medical bed to dress it up.
Some old chenille scraps from my girls rooms were re-purposed into a pillow and lamp shade.
Some metal butterflies painted white, new green curtains and some new accessories Aunt Jen bought finished off the room.
I believe I needed Natalee more than she needed me last weekend. She inspired me to cherish life and take the time to enjoy it. We all get too caught up in the day to day and lose perspective on what is really important. I was in that place- and she helped me see past that and re-connect with my joy. For that, I am grateful and humbled for my time with Natalee.
Love your life friends!
Take Care,