Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A sweet reality check

As most of you know- I like to make things and re-purpose things. I had the honor last weekend of re-designing a little girls room. Her name is Natalee- she is 6 years old and has a genetic condition called Trisomy which severely limits her physically. The kind that she has taken over her little body- and she requires heart surgery this month.

Her mom Pam found me through the grapevine. Her hairdresser knows me and came to see my designer room I did last month. You know how it is- you tell everything to your hairdresser, Pam was no different. She was telling Susan (her hairdresser) that she was desperate to get Natalee's room done quickly before her surgery but didn't know where to turn. She needed to incorporate her medical bed and current furniture and because of hospital bills couldn't hire a designer. She called- I happily said I would help. I then connected that I know Natalee's aunt and uncle Jen and Mike, and along with my husband Jason they would be my design team.

Here are some quick ideas that I used in re-creating Natalee's room.

We printed out some old family photos larger and in black and white to personalize the room
I turned an old drawer into a little canopy for her medical bed to dress it up.
Some old chenille scraps from my girls rooms were re-purposed into a pillow and lamp shade.
Some metal butterflies painted white, new green curtains and some new accessories Aunt Jen bought finished off the room.
I believe I needed Natalee more than she needed me last weekend. She inspired me to cherish life and take the time to enjoy it. We all get too caught up in the day to day and lose perspective on what is really important. I was in that place- and she helped me see past that and re-connect with my joy. For that, I am grateful and humbled for my time with Natalee.

Love your life friends!
Take Care,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ReStore ReStyle 2012 Event

With the help of friends and family- I won the "People's Choice Award" at the ReStore ReStyle 2012 Event for Habitat for Humanity. I was humbled and overwhelmed by the turnout to see our creations- folks were so kind and complimentary! Habitat is a wonderful organization that is ALL about paying it forward. When I was asked to be a part of the event- I jumped at the opportunity. Making things out of things is my passion. A few examples found in my "reading and writing room" are:

And old deck umbrella became:
A floor lamp
The top of drapes
and an magnetized art piece to hold photos or notes.

A set of old drapes were re-purposed into:
Upholstery for a chair
Decorative balls

A deck gate
An inspiration board

 Check out the photos below. 

Next time you are going to get rid of something, try to look at it a different way. See if you can give it new life- it is quite a satisfying feeling to re-purpose something destined for the trash.

Feeling quite inspired, I am off to make something out of something!
Take Care,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Re-Purpose Re-Style!

Hello Friends!

As you have seen in Little Ones, I do a feature called KerrieCan that shows readers how I "make things out of things". Well, I am beyond excited to have been chosen as one of 8 designers to Re-Style a room for a Habitat for Humanity fund raiser. I get to shop for 3 weeks in the Mooresville and Cornelius Re-Stores and then get 2-days to set up my room. The rooms will be on display May1st at 6:30pm at the Mooresville Re-Store. The room I chose is a reading and writing room- with the theme "The Power of Words".  My plan is to bring you along for the ride! My first project will be a floor lamp created out of an old porch umbrella. Next- I will take the fabric from the umbrella and create a valance to go with the curtains that I make from a set of sheets! As I move along, I hope to post photos of the parts and pieces that will make up the room. Here are a couple of photos of my "stuff" - stay tuned to see how it all turns out!

Take Care,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Going out of my comfort zone

Every once in a while, we moms should all try something we THINK we cannot do. It really doesn't matter what it is, just anything that will challenge you beyond your normal day to day. I did that this past weekend with a group of friends, some old and some new and my husband Jason. We did the Spartan Race at the White Water Center. It is one of those crazy mud run obstacle race things that just kicks your butt! 4+ miles of slippery mud, trail running, crawling under barbed wire and walls to climb over. It was the most insane thing that most of us had ever done (most folks were saying it was much tougher than warrior dash or mud runs). More than once- I thought, REALLY??? I am doing this???? But about half-way through, I said ... REALLY!!!! I AM DOING THIS! It was humbling and empowering all at the same time- and loved every minute of it. 2 hours of pushing myself past where I ever thought I could go, invigorated me in a strange way. I felt "new" even though I was beat up and  felt like I could take on the world.When I was finished, and saw how proud my family were of me- it just made the day beyond perfect. I have already signed up for next year.

This kind of thing is not everyone's up of tea I know. BUT find that thing, that thing you think you might not be able to do and do it. Sing on stage, go back to school, take dance classes, ANYTHING. You will feel like Wonder Woman (or a Spartan).

Take Care,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Springtime Craft!

Do you remember making the string covered balloons as a kid? I loved making them- and a post on pintrest brought it all back to me. I decided to make a tiny version of my childhood craft to look like Easter eggs. Last weekend was fabulous so my girls and I decided to craft outside. Good thing because this was a little messy. All you need is string, glue, water, spray oil and some small balloons. I recommend "water balloons" for making small egg shapes.

Mix 1 cup of white glue with 2 tablespoons water.
Blow up your balloons to desired "egg" size and spray them with spray oil. This helps the string release.
Now, drag your string through the glue mixture and slop onto the balloon.
Wrap the balloon in all directions until is it evenly covered.
Find a place to hang them overnight. (best way to dry) Make sure you put paper under them.
Carefully pop the balloon and pull it out through one of the spaces in the string.

Easy, messy and fun. Put your eggs on display on a bowl or make a garland out of them by tying them to a ribbon!

See my pics below!
Happy Spring!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Staying mentally and physically healthy

Everyone needs a little motivation now and then. I need A LOT :) In my driveway every Monday Wednesday and Friday, I host a bootcamp in my driveway. My friends that attend have all laughingly told me how grateful they are for the punishment I impose on them. What they may not realize is how grateful I am to have THEM expecting ME out there ready to lead the workout three days a week. I get a great workout and they get a free butt kickin! Honestly, I think I am getting the better end of the deal. My girls see me set up the "gym" while we wait on the bus which I think reinforces to them my commitment to staying healthy and I can start my day here at Little Ones with a fresh outlook! Share your passions my friends ... it can be quite rewarding!
Take Care,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey! From Kerrie :)

Hello everyone! Kerrie with Little Ones here. I will be taking over the blog from where Kiran left off. I am NO writer, and Kiran is an EXCELLENT writer and blogger so please be patient with me. 
As creative director for Little Ones, I hope to post crafty all the things I do with my 2 girls (and the ones I do when I am hiding in my garage studio).  You also might want to hear about what keeps me sane while working at home with my husband. That is a tall order. We have been working side by side for 13 years ... in the same home office. So stay tuned and wish me luck, I am jumping in with both feet!
