In the May issue of Little Ones, we offered up lots of ideas for fun (and mostly) inexpensive outings for you and your kiddos. I've done this one before, but decided to take my crew of 4 out with me to Baxter, which is adorable and oh-so-close to Charlotte. Below is what we had in the magazine:
The Fun Begins in Baxter
A short jaunt from most locations, don't be fooled by the fact that you're going to Ft. Mill. In just 15-20 minutes, you'll be to this new destination, located right off of I-77.
Enter Baxter Village - but do not be swayed by all the super cute shops on your sides! Proceed straight until you see Allison Park a quaint little park with old-school play sets, plenty of room to roam, and ample shading as well. Take a stroll on the easy-to-navigate trails and wander over bridges your little one will love. Worked up an appetite? Head back onto Main Street and pop into Cupcrazed, a new Cupcake shop that actually offers café-style seating. Try the Chocolate Buttercream or Reese's cupcakes (our personal faves) or any of the many others offered. Grab a cup of joe before heading back out. A short stroll down the street will have you at an "updated" playground (who can play too much?!) where your kids can let their sugar high get the best of them. If they're tired enough, perhaps you can persuade them to stop into one of the boutiques - Page 6 for couture clothes, Mermaids, Monkeys, etc.! for gifty-things, or The Bump Maternity Boutique - a must stop for mommies -to-be or brand new mamas. A drive-through Starbucks is on your way out, the perfect treat for the ride home.
I can't even express to you how adorable Cupcrazed is. A super-fun environment, this storefront has several flavored cupcakes, bulk candy, cake pops, coffee, drinks and more in a whimsical environment. After playing at Allison Park and exploring the trail, we headed over to enjoy $2 Tuesday (all cupcakes for 2 bucks!) Check out some of these photos!
If you're up a low-cost, yummy day, head out to Baxter Village ... we barely touched on the playgrounds available since we had the baby with us, but there's lots to do and see. Oh, and there's also the Peach Stand just about a mile away which has lots of fresh, local foods and fruit. We picked up some yummy corn and peaches to have with dinner.
Have fun!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Go the F&^$ to Sleep - a review!
As seen on ...
Go the F%$* to Sleep
Go the F%$* to Sleep
This is a bit of a different product for me to review, but after hearing time and again about this book, I just had to read it.
Go the F&^$ to Sleep by Adam Mansbach debuted on June 14 and is making waves across the globe. For anyone who's battled bedtime, this book is a must read.
A parody on all of the "normal" happy-go-lucky, peaches and cream bedtime books we read our little ones, this one is for the parent who has often muttered 4-letter words under their breath (or even aloud) as they argue their way past water, one last hug, or any of the other universal excuses. I have yet to meet a parent who has not been in this predicament; and yes, I personally know this scenario more than I wish to admit. It's a rare night when I don't have this sort of battle and don't end up cursing aloud.
Masbach ever-so-eloquently handles the one last book, the water request, the bathroom break and the questions children will ask with such satire and humor, you find yourself feeling his anger building as if it's your very own. Surely for some of us (ahem) it's a case of relating all too well.
If you're turned off by dark humor, don't read this; if swearing bothers you, you mustn't get it. But for anyone who's ever wanted to scream the title of this book at the top of your lungs, I highly suggest you get look into it. If nothing else, you'll get some great laughs and realize that you're definitely not alone.
book review,
Go the F#%$ to sleep,
product review
Monday, June 20, 2011
Guest Blogger: 10 Ways to Save Money Today!
I have yet to meet any woman who doesn't get excited about saving money. Even if she's not a coupon clipper, what female doesn't love a good sale?
I (e-)met Richelle Luchkowec a few weeks ago; she had so many great suggestions on how to save money. She's so good at it, in fact, that she's turned it into one of her jobs. Read on for some of Richelle's suggestions on how you, too, can keep those dollars in your pocketbooks:
10 Easy Ways to Save Money Today by The Carolina Clipper
1. Go to the ATM. Yes, that's right. To save money you need to get cash out of the ATM. When the cash is gone, this is your sign to stop spending! Three years ago we decided to get cash out for things like groceries and eating out. This ensures that your budget has boundaries and creates a clear stop sign.
2. Stay Put. With a little planning and creativity a staycation can feel like a real summer vacation. You'll save a lot of money and actually get some rest, too! Everyone takes off work and joins in the fun. Use our Charlotte staycation ideas list to find free activities.
3. Be a Picky Eater. If you're going out to eat, pick a restaurant where kids eat free. Also, be on the lookout for Groupons, a daily deals site with local deals such as paying $10 for $20 worth of food. You can also purchase a $25 gift certificate for only $10 from We plan our date nights around these special offers and it's a real money saver.
4. Click Around. Free music and books are just a click away! Use Pandora internet radio to create a personal music station. I use this on my computer (while I work), on my TV (while I cook), and on my iPhone (while I workout). You can rent e-books from your library and can always find free e-book downloads from sites like Amazon or iTunes by searching "free ebooks".
5. Money Really Does Grow on Trees. When you clip coupons it's like clipping money out of the newspaper (which is made from trees--get it?). Match a sale with a coupon and you've got a 50% (or more) savings! I saved $3,769.22 the first year I used coupons and reduced my weekly grocery/toiletry budget to just $75 per week. Not sure where to start? Check out my 5 Easy Steps to Slash Your Grocery Budget in Half. Better yet, come to a workshop because learning in person is so much easier!
6. Get in the Kitchen. Even if you don't clip one single coupon you can still save money by simply planning your meals. This removes the 5 p.m. dinner stress and prevents you from eating out-again. Even better, plan your meals around what's on sale. Example: if Chicken is Buy 1 Get 2 Free then you should look at your favorite recipes and plan a few chicken meals.
7. Be Careful Passing Gas. One of my most embarrassing moments happened because I passed gas - a gas station that is. I knew I was heading to the SC border (where gasoline is much cheaper) later that day. I thought I had enough gas to get me through my errands but alas, my van died at a busy intersection. A friend quickly came to rescue the kids while I waited with police for my husband to leave work and bring that silly red gasoline container. I kept saying to the officers, "I'm so sorry, I know this is not what you were trained to do". The moral: You should look for ways to save money on gas BEFORE your low fuel light turns on. How? Use the Gas Buddy or Cheap Gas app to find the cheapest gas in your area, keep your car maintained, and use BiLo's Fuel Perks program.
8. Toss it Out. Look for things you may not be using anymore and get rid of things that no longer fit your life. Do you really need all of those cable channels, that many cell minutes, or that gym membership that you don't use? Getting rid of financial clutter helped us save $2520 this year!
9. Check your credit. You are entitled to receive one free credit report every 12 months. These days, credit reports are being used for everything from setting insurance rates to evaluating job candidates. Making sure your report is accurate can save you money!
10. Shop for Christmas in January. Shop AFTER a holiday (Valentines, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc) for cards, decorations, and gift wrap and keep them for the next year.
Richelle lives in Charlotte, NC and blogs about practical tools to make saving money easy and fun. She teaches coupon workshops, volunteers at her church food bank, and enjoys finding family-friendly activities in the Carolinas.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A tribute to Father's Day
We all have memories of our childhood, and nothing is more special than those shared with our moms and dads. In honor of Father's Day, I wanted to touch on one that I remember about mine.
I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I'm thinking it was around 13 or 14 - a tough age for any female, and that much tougher for the parents of. My dad was always very in tune with me and knew my personality well ... and truthfully, I've always been a bit (ok, a lot) Type A. Anyhow, it was for my birthday, again, my 13th or 14th, and my dad had this poem framed for me. Actually, he typed it out and signed it and had it matted and framed. At the time, I didn't understand it much; it was a strange gift in my mind, but somehow it resonated with me. I knew that it came with so much meaning, and yet I didn't quite understand why.
That piece went to college with me; it went to grad school with me. And when I moved to Charlotte, it came with me again. I'm sorry to say that I can't put my finger on it now; after 3 moves, it somehow got lost in transition. But the name of the poem is still with me: Just For Today. The gist of it was relaxing, being yourself and being true to you (a teenage girl with Type A, remember?) When times were stressing me, I'd remember to read it and think of my dad.
I did a lot of searching online and came up with a popular poem entitled "Just For Today". I'm not sure that it's 100% verbatim, but it sure is close. In honor of Father's Day, I post this for you ... I hope you all have such wonderful fathers whose actions have stayed with you as well.
Happy Father's Day to your dad, your spouse, your loved one or significant other. Enjoy.
I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I'm thinking it was around 13 or 14 - a tough age for any female, and that much tougher for the parents of. My dad was always very in tune with me and knew my personality well ... and truthfully, I've always been a bit (ok, a lot) Type A. Anyhow, it was for my birthday, again, my 13th or 14th, and my dad had this poem framed for me. Actually, he typed it out and signed it and had it matted and framed. At the time, I didn't understand it much; it was a strange gift in my mind, but somehow it resonated with me. I knew that it came with so much meaning, and yet I didn't quite understand why.
That piece went to college with me; it went to grad school with me. And when I moved to Charlotte, it came with me again. I'm sorry to say that I can't put my finger on it now; after 3 moves, it somehow got lost in transition. But the name of the poem is still with me: Just For Today. The gist of it was relaxing, being yourself and being true to you (a teenage girl with Type A, remember?) When times were stressing me, I'd remember to read it and think of my dad.
I did a lot of searching online and came up with a popular poem entitled "Just For Today". I'm not sure that it's 100% verbatim, but it sure is close. In honor of Father's Day, I post this for you ... I hope you all have such wonderful fathers whose actions have stayed with you as well.
Happy Father's Day to your dad, your spouse, your loved one or significant other. Enjoy.
- Just for today I will be happy. This assumes what Abraham Lincoln said is true: 'Most folks are about as happy as they make their mind up to be.' Happiness comes from within; it is not a matter of externals.
- Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is; not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my family, my business, and my luck as they come and fit myself to them.
- Just for today I will take care of my body. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse or neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding.
- Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.
- Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do someone a good turn and not get found out. I will do at least two chores I don't want to do, as William James suggests, just for exercise.
- Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, speak diplomatically, act courteously, be liberal with praise, criticize not at all, nor find fault with anything, and not try to regulate or improve anyone.
- Just for today I will try to live through this day only, not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do things for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.
- Just for today I will have a program. I will write down what I expect to do every hour. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. It will eliminate two pests: hurrying and indecision.
- Just for today I will have a quiet half hour by myself and relax. In this half hour sometimes I will think of God, so as to get a little more perspective into my life.
- Just for today I will be unafraid. Particularly, I will be unafraid to be happy; to enjoy what is beautiful; to love; and to believe that those I love, love me.
Friday, June 17, 2011
CAVES to open at The Schiele Museum
After viewing a successful exhibit called Pirates! last year, I was super excited to get a sneak peak at CAVES which is opening tomorrow (6/18) at The Schiele Museum in Gastonia. I visited yesterday as they were putting the finishing touches on CAVES and can't wait to take my own little ones back.
My kids have enjoyed visits to the permanent exhibits at the museum in the past, but these temporary ones always keep it exciting with new and different things to learn about. As I entered in, with Amy Ballard as my tour guide, I pictured my kiddos going through and navigating the deep, dark cavernous environment.
Created completely in house with Tony Passour at the helm of the project, CAVES showcases 40+ animals including fruit bats, a baby owl, baby bobcats and more in a climate-controlled, sensory-loaded atmosphere. Yes, one of the caves is a mere 56 degrees and you'll hear water dripping and see it as well, making you feel completely immersed in the subject. Kids can enjoy interactive games, dress up opportunities, daily spelunker tours and even mini caves to crawl on and through.
"Some museums take advantage of traveling exhibits," says Passour; "we found that we can produce an exhibit of a lot higher quality for a lot less cost. We've recycled components of Pirates! and it's allowed us to be selective of the content. We were able to tailor it completely to our guests."
"Being in something really helps people learn," he concludes. I couldn't agree more. Both boys and girls will really enjoy this interactive exhibit, which opens tomorrow (June 18). It's an outing that is definitely worth taking!
My kids have enjoyed visits to the permanent exhibits at the museum in the past, but these temporary ones always keep it exciting with new and different things to learn about. As I entered in, with Amy Ballard as my tour guide, I pictured my kiddos going through and navigating the deep, dark cavernous environment.
Created completely in house with Tony Passour at the helm of the project, CAVES showcases 40+ animals including fruit bats, a baby owl, baby bobcats and more in a climate-controlled, sensory-loaded atmosphere. Yes, one of the caves is a mere 56 degrees and you'll hear water dripping and see it as well, making you feel completely immersed in the subject. Kids can enjoy interactive games, dress up opportunities, daily spelunker tours and even mini caves to crawl on and through.
"Some museums take advantage of traveling exhibits," says Passour; "we found that we can produce an exhibit of a lot higher quality for a lot less cost. We've recycled components of Pirates! and it's allowed us to be selective of the content. We were able to tailor it completely to our guests."
"Being in something really helps people learn," he concludes. I couldn't agree more. Both boys and girls will really enjoy this interactive exhibit, which opens tomorrow (June 18). It's an outing that is definitely worth taking!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Super Summer Craft
I just picked my kids up from camp at the Weddington Activity Center where they take gymnastics. They're in a tumble and art class and they brought home the cutest craft! I'm stealing their idea to share with you, since I'm sure you have all of the materials already in your house.
You will need:
* empty water bottles (1 per fish)
*square pieces of tissue paper (great way to use this up after a birthday party/gifts that you get!)
*googly eyes
*construction paper
1. Take an empty water bottle and let your little one glue the tissue paper all over the fish. Some may make a pattern/design, and some may just glue randomly.
2. Once the tissue paper is dry, twist the bottom half of the bottle (this will resemble the tail).
3. Cut out fins for fish from construction paper and glue on.
4. Glue on googly eyes.
5. They taped on fishing line so that you can hang it up; I"m sure you can use any type of string/etc. you like.
You will need:
* empty water bottles (1 per fish)
*square pieces of tissue paper (great way to use this up after a birthday party/gifts that you get!)
*googly eyes
*construction paper
1. Take an empty water bottle and let your little one glue the tissue paper all over the fish. Some may make a pattern/design, and some may just glue randomly.
2. Once the tissue paper is dry, twist the bottom half of the bottle (this will resemble the tail).
3. Cut out fins for fish from construction paper and glue on.
4. Glue on googly eyes.
5. They taped on fishing line so that you can hang it up; I"m sure you can use any type of string/etc. you like.
Have fun!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
It's officially here ... and I personally couldn't be happier. Unfortunately I didn't completely forego my alarm clock as I had hoped; I'm still up by 6 a.m. but somehow not having to rush anyone out the door makes it easier on all of us.
When my husband got home last night at 8 p.m., I had 3 of the 4 kids in bed and was BEAT. But there's something so settling about having all of my kids home; I can't explain it, but I just feel balanced, like no one is missing. Did they make me a little nutty here and there? Of course. Did I want to hide in my closet for a few minutes? Maybe once or twice (I didn't do it). But enjoying the books, swimming with 3 of them late afternoon while the baby napped in the stroller, and watching a few minutes of Kate Plus 8 were all so enjoyable.
Summer break is what, 10 weeks? It's a "glass half full/half empty" type of thing. To me, 10 weeks is a really short time; I want to enjoy every minute of it. If it means getting up at 6 a.m. and pulling late nights to get my work done, they are all sacrifices I'm willing to make. Let's just hope this positive attitude continues!
When my husband got home last night at 8 p.m., I had 3 of the 4 kids in bed and was BEAT. But there's something so settling about having all of my kids home; I can't explain it, but I just feel balanced, like no one is missing. Did they make me a little nutty here and there? Of course. Did I want to hide in my closet for a few minutes? Maybe once or twice (I didn't do it). But enjoying the books, swimming with 3 of them late afternoon while the baby napped in the stroller, and watching a few minutes of Kate Plus 8 were all so enjoyable.
Summer break is what, 10 weeks? It's a "glass half full/half empty" type of thing. To me, 10 weeks is a really short time; I want to enjoy every minute of it. If it means getting up at 6 a.m. and pulling late nights to get my work done, they are all sacrifices I'm willing to make. Let's just hope this positive attitude continues!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Guest Blogger on the Summer Reading Programs!
Summer is here, and no doubt it's a hot one already. Some of your kids have probably said those two dreaded words: I'm Bored.
Here at Little Ones, we are huge advocates of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and support all of their wonderful programs and events. This summer, they've got a wonderful reading program lined up for kids. It's FREE, it earns them PRIZES, it keeps them COOL and it helps them LEARN. Read more from our guest blogger, Arden McLaughlin of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library:
Here at Little Ones, we are huge advocates of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and support all of their wonderful programs and events. This summer, they've got a wonderful reading program lined up for kids. It's FREE, it earns them PRIZES, it keeps them COOL and it helps them LEARN. Read more from our guest blogger, Arden McLaughlin of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library:
Summer Reading Fun Begins!
All year I encourage each of you to find great books for your little ones through my Book Corner article. As an avid reader, I can’t think of a time of the year that curling up with a good book doesn’t sound like a great idea. But summer is by far my favorite time to read. I think it takes me back to the days when I could go to my local library, check out any book I wanted and read it all day long without the threat of bed time or homework!
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library wants your little ones to experience the same joy this summer through its summer reading clubs for all age groups (even you, parents!).
Summer Reading runs from June 15 to August 10, 2011, offering clubs for babies/pre-schoolers, children, teens, and adults. Each club challenges participants to read all summer long for fun, enjoyment and rewards provided by community sponsors. But the real reward of the program is reading itself. Research shows that students who read at least 20 minutes a day during the summer are more likely to read on or above grade level when returning to school in the fall. And it is important for parents to read to babies and toddlers, too. Research tells us that when you read to your young child, you naturally touch on important pre-reading “building blocks” that begin to develop at birth and must be mastered in order for your little “story lover” to graduate to “reader” status.
Sign up (beginning June 15) at your nearest library (all locations except Main Library) to keep reading, learning and having fun all summer long. Teens must sign up online, but can use the free public computers at the library to do so. For more information on Summer Reading, visit beginning June 15.
There is a limited supply of prizes for all who participate in summer reading clubs and complete their reading logs. This year’s sponsors are Wendy’s, Jason’s Deli, Weyerhaeuser, and Robek’s Juice on 5349 Ballantyne Commons Parkway.
As much as our little ones enjoy rewards, I encourage you to talk with them about the real rewards being the privilege of getting to choose their own books, read at their leisure, and open their horizons to new and exciting worlds. Reading is such a gift! Relish that gift this summer.
--Arden McLaughlin, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Happy Reading!! :)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Lovable Little Monsters
For those of you who don't know, I do product reviews on Here's a post of the latest product my kids and I reviewed!
Read more:
(as seen on
Some cuddly little monsters entered our house this past week … and my kids just can't get enough of them.
The Alphabeasts, plush, educational animals, were designed by two dads to help kids learn their ABC's. Each one depicts one of the 26 letters on it - the front has the upper case and the back the lower.
My kids each got one with "their" letter on it (the first letter of their name) and they were simply ecstatic about them. Actually, we got them on Sunday and since they've each carried them around to the car, to the dinner table and even to bed with them. Wherever my kids have gone, so has their new little letter friend!
Though I've closed the door on any more stuffed animals in our house, the Alphabeasts reinforce letters and also have fun names to go with them. I can hardly compare this to your everyday teddy bear. Each one comes with a card that explains their name and their characteristics/physical attributes. They are very well made; great fabrics, solid stitching and also washable. I love the size (15") but hope that sometime in the future they come out with baby beasts so that we can get a whole set of them! These are super for teaching letters to your little ones and adding some imaginative play along with it.
Find out more about these cuddly creatures by visiting
Read more:
(as seen on
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Water, Water Everywhere ... Inexpensive Fun with your Little Ones!
It's crazy how much time kids can spend playing with water. Sure, a hose is always good - but conserve our resources instead and let the kids play for hours with little cost involved. Try these easy, enjoyable activities with your kiddos!
Art with Water: Break out the paintbrushes and sponges and a bucket of H2O and let your little ones go to work decorating the driveway.
Creativity from the Kitchen: Fill a pot with water and set out measuring cups, wooden spoons, etc. See what fun your kids can cook up!
Just Add Water: Kids have the most fun with the simplest of things - a few buckets of water and a couple of spoons is all it require.
Cold Potato: Fill a water balloon with water; instead of Hot Potato, this one's cold. Don't drop it!
Water War: Equip the kiddos with water guns, turkey basters, sponges and water balloons. Need I say more?
Have any fun water games to share? Comment below!
Art with Water: Break out the paintbrushes and sponges and a bucket of H2O and let your little ones go to work decorating the driveway.
Creativity from the Kitchen: Fill a pot with water and set out measuring cups, wooden spoons, etc. See what fun your kids can cook up!
Just Add Water: Kids have the most fun with the simplest of things - a few buckets of water and a couple of spoons is all it require.
Cold Potato: Fill a water balloon with water; instead of Hot Potato, this one's cold. Don't drop it!
Water War: Equip the kiddos with water guns, turkey basters, sponges and water balloons. Need I say more?
Have any fun water games to share? Comment below!
Monday, June 6, 2011
4 days to a confident swimmer
My kids have all done swimming lessons at Charlotte Swim Academy in the past, but typically we do the once-a-week deal. Over the summer, however, they have classes where you go for four days in a row.
The crash-course, if you will, is a great way to get your little one acclimated with the water - or so I've heard. And after hearing the rave reviews, I decided to give it a whirl myself.
Since we just added our newest addition to the mix 11 weeks ago, I'd taken a break from swimming. I'd taken my 5 year-old to the Y a few times over the winter, but it truly had been a good while since she or her 2.5 year-old sister had been swimming.
The night before the lessons, the girls were so excited; they couldn't wait. When we met their teachers, they both eagerly jumped in. Though 20 minutes may seem a short time, I personally think it's the ideal amount for them; the fact that they are 1:1 with their instructor gives them the most attention they need in a timeframe where they can remain focused.
Each day was met with the same excitement, a sure sign that something was going right. But the real proof was in the pool; we swam at our neighborhood pool on Saturday and I couldn't believe the confidence they had both gained. Don't get me wrong - we didn't go from fearful to front crawl in one week, but whatever confidence they had lost over the winter was gained back, and then some.
If you've got a little swimmer who's a tad nervous, or perhaps one who's so fearless that he makes you nervous, doing the 4-day classes may be just what the lifeguard would order. You can never be too safe when it comes to swimming.
The crash-course, if you will, is a great way to get your little one acclimated with the water - or so I've heard. And after hearing the rave reviews, I decided to give it a whirl myself.
Since we just added our newest addition to the mix 11 weeks ago, I'd taken a break from swimming. I'd taken my 5 year-old to the Y a few times over the winter, but it truly had been a good while since she or her 2.5 year-old sister had been swimming.
The night before the lessons, the girls were so excited; they couldn't wait. When we met their teachers, they both eagerly jumped in. Though 20 minutes may seem a short time, I personally think it's the ideal amount for them; the fact that they are 1:1 with their instructor gives them the most attention they need in a timeframe where they can remain focused.
Each day was met with the same excitement, a sure sign that something was going right. But the real proof was in the pool; we swam at our neighborhood pool on Saturday and I couldn't believe the confidence they had both gained. Don't get me wrong - we didn't go from fearful to front crawl in one week, but whatever confidence they had lost over the winter was gained back, and then some.
If you've got a little swimmer who's a tad nervous, or perhaps one who's so fearless that he makes you nervous, doing the 4-day classes may be just what the lifeguard would order. You can never be too safe when it comes to swimming.
charlotte swimming,
kids swimming,
swimming lessons
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Gearing Up for Cars 2 ... Enter for your chance to get new gear here!
Ok, folks - it's time for a giveaway. As we're just weeks away from the premier of Cars 2, we thought it most timely to give away some of the paraphernalia your kiddos will be asking for.
Zak Designs is the leading manufacturer of licensed children’s dinnerware and a top producer of trend-focused everyday table ware and eating-on-the-go products. Whether it’s for children, or the whole family, Zak makes mealtime fun. Their products (as seen on are so popular; chances are good you already have some, but surely you've at least seen them.
We're giving away a 4 piece Mealtime Set. They are available in either McQueen or Mater and the winner can choose whichever you'd like!
We're choosing one of our followers to win. That's right - all you have to do is be a follower of this blog and we will randomly select one on Tuesday June 7 to win this fun prize!
Want to leave a comment? I'd love to hear from you! :)
Zak Designs is the leading manufacturer of licensed children’s dinnerware and a top producer of trend-focused everyday table ware and eating-on-the-go products. Whether it’s for children, or the whole family, Zak makes mealtime fun. Their products (as seen on are so popular; chances are good you already have some, but surely you've at least seen them.
We're giving away a 4 piece Mealtime Set. They are available in either McQueen or Mater and the winner can choose whichever you'd like!
We're choosing one of our followers to win. That's right - all you have to do is be a follower of this blog and we will randomly select one on Tuesday June 7 to win this fun prize!
Want to leave a comment? I'd love to hear from you! :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Girls Night (plus a boy) Out!
I know I vent here kinda often, and I'd hate for you to think it's all doom and gloom. The fact is, I really enjoy hanging with just my kids ... and this evening we had a blast.
My husband was going out tonight (I'll keep my mouth shut) so I had the kids to myself. It took quite a bit of planning and lots of options to go through as we prepared for our girls night (oops - almost forgot the baby - girls plus a boy). Lets face it: life with 3 little opinions plus a needy newborn takes a lot of planning and preparation.
We headed out around 4:30 and started on our way to Justice. We needed a gift for a birthday party over the weekend, and the mom had requested "anything sparkly". I knew we'd find just the thing for the almost-6-year-old; plus the entire store is 40% off right now. Nice! My little guy hung in the infant carrier while my 7 year-old and I perused the store; my other two were enthralled with the many colorful add-on items they have (caution to prospective shoppers: this is a little girl's dream-come-true). When it was all said and done, we found a super cute sparkly tank and purse for our party on Sat. AND found cute shirts and necklaces for our twinkie friends (actually they are triplets but only the two girls are having the party on Sunday). Let me tell you that the joy of shopping starts EARLY for girls. As if you didn't know, right?! I'm not sure who had more fun - me or my gals. Fun mom - check!
From Justice we headed over to Earth Fare for their Kids Eat Free night. Every time I go I feel like I'm committing highway robbery. For $19, I got a great, giant salad, 3 of my kids each got their HEALTHY kids meals, a container of spinach, blueberries, a bag of carrots, some healthy trail mix, two yogurts, all-natural deodorant and a bottle of water. I know the perception is that Earth Fare can be pricey, but if you work it correctly, you really can get some great deals. Thrifty mom - check!
My eldest had picked up some BFF necklaces for the twinkie (triplet girls) friends who live down the street, so when we got home, we walked them over. My Jaiden (7) was SO excited to give them to the girls ... remember when BFF necklaces were so important in your childhood? Adorbs.
We rushed home as the lightning was striking (mom of the year, walking with baby and kids as a thunderstorm starts??) and I had them ALL in bed before 7:45 p.m. Punctual mom? When it comes to bedtime ... CHECK!
Hope your day was as enjoyable as mine! :)
My husband was going out tonight (I'll keep my mouth shut) so I had the kids to myself. It took quite a bit of planning and lots of options to go through as we prepared for our girls night (oops - almost forgot the baby - girls plus a boy). Lets face it: life with 3 little opinions plus a needy newborn takes a lot of planning and preparation.
We headed out around 4:30 and started on our way to Justice. We needed a gift for a birthday party over the weekend, and the mom had requested "anything sparkly". I knew we'd find just the thing for the almost-6-year-old; plus the entire store is 40% off right now. Nice! My little guy hung in the infant carrier while my 7 year-old and I perused the store; my other two were enthralled with the many colorful add-on items they have (caution to prospective shoppers: this is a little girl's dream-come-true). When it was all said and done, we found a super cute sparkly tank and purse for our party on Sat. AND found cute shirts and necklaces for our twinkie friends (actually they are triplets but only the two girls are having the party on Sunday). Let me tell you that the joy of shopping starts EARLY for girls. As if you didn't know, right?! I'm not sure who had more fun - me or my gals. Fun mom - check!
From Justice we headed over to Earth Fare for their Kids Eat Free night. Every time I go I feel like I'm committing highway robbery. For $19, I got a great, giant salad, 3 of my kids each got their HEALTHY kids meals, a container of spinach, blueberries, a bag of carrots, some healthy trail mix, two yogurts, all-natural deodorant and a bottle of water. I know the perception is that Earth Fare can be pricey, but if you work it correctly, you really can get some great deals. Thrifty mom - check!
My eldest had picked up some BFF necklaces for the twinkie (triplet girls) friends who live down the street, so when we got home, we walked them over. My Jaiden (7) was SO excited to give them to the girls ... remember when BFF necklaces were so important in your childhood? Adorbs.
We rushed home as the lightning was striking (mom of the year, walking with baby and kids as a thunderstorm starts??) and I had them ALL in bed before 7:45 p.m. Punctual mom? When it comes to bedtime ... CHECK!
Hope your day was as enjoyable as mine! :)
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