Monday, June 6, 2011

4 days to a confident swimmer

My kids have all done swimming lessons at Charlotte Swim Academy in the past, but typically we do the once-a-week deal. Over the summer, however, they have classes where you go for four days in a row.
The crash-course, if you will, is a great way to get your little one acclimated with the water - or so I've heard. And after hearing the rave reviews, I decided to give it a whirl myself.

Since we just added our newest addition to the mix 11 weeks ago, I'd taken a break from swimming. I'd taken my 5 year-old to the Y a few times over the winter, but it truly had been a good while since she or her 2.5 year-old sister had been swimming.

The night before the lessons, the girls were so excited; they couldn't wait. When we met their teachers, they both eagerly jumped in. Though 20 minutes may seem a short time, I personally think it's the ideal amount for them; the fact that they are 1:1 with their instructor gives them the most attention they need in a timeframe where they can remain focused.

Each day was met with the same excitement, a sure sign that something was going right. But the real proof was in the pool; we swam at our neighborhood pool on Saturday and I couldn't believe the confidence they had both gained. Don't get me wrong - we didn't go from fearful to front crawl in one week, but whatever confidence they had lost over the winter was gained back, and then some.

If you've got a little swimmer who's a tad nervous, or perhaps one who's so fearless that he makes you nervous, doing the 4-day classes may be just what the lifeguard would order. You can never be too safe when it comes to swimming.


  1. Thanks for the advice. I have been thinking about taking mother-daughter lessons & my daughter is often intimidated by pools.

  2. LOVE CSA! Most important activity a parent can provide for their child ...
