Sunday, May 29, 2011

Greetings from Looney Land

Looking back on this week, this last two months, actually, I realized a common theme: I feel that I'm slowly losing my mind.

All kidding aside, I've always been one to keep things "up top". Sure I've tried the Day Timer planner and I've got my calendar plugged into my i-Phone, but truly I'm generally always able to remember things just from, well, remembering them. But since having this 4th baby, I'm slowly forgetting everything.

This past Monday I completely bombed on dialing in to a conference call.  WHAT??  This has never happened to me; I NEVER forget a meeting/appointment. But I did. Thank goodness my counterparts were understanding.

Then on Wednesday, I was rushing (story of my life). I had pumped and fed the baby and had 90 minutes to load all 4 kids up, head to get gas (I was on empty), hit the Teeter and get my eldest to gymnastics for her 6 p.m. class. I gunned it out of the garage ... and totally creamed my side view mirror. This wouldn't have been a big deal had I not backed into (and left hanging) a mailbox 7 weeks prior to. W.T.H.

These things are just not like me. I am slacking on checking my first grader's folder and I can barely remember a conversation from yesterday. I'd like to think things will get better once my 10-week-old gets older and starts sleeping through the night - but honestly I think it's a result of having too much on my plate. Or 4 kids ... or hormones ... or the fact that I'm 35. Or, maybe I just need to chill out a bit. Yeah, that sounds like a good theory. I think I'll stick with that one for now.  Now what was I supposed to do next?!!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I totally know how you feel. Just had my 2nd child almost 2 weeks ago & I am trying to find a balance that won't leave me feeling like I am going insane.

  2. OH NO on the mirror (we were just talking about all that at gymnastics)!!! Hang in there ... it WILL get better.

  3. I'm impressed that it took four kids for this to happen. That is a feat you should be quite proud! :)
